Success Stories for African-European Collaboration in Personalised Medicine published

Through real case examples, EU-Africa PerMed presents compelling narratives that illustrate the tangible benefits of international collaboration in personalised medicine and offers valuable insights to policymakers, patients, clinicians, and the general public on why such collaborations are essential to support.

Through these success stories, EU-Africa PerMed aims to inspire further international collaboration and greater support for advancing research in personalised medicine.

  1. PerMediNA – Personalised Medicine in North Africa
  2. SALAMA study – Studying Acute LeukemiA Mutations in Africa
  3. African-European pharmacogenetics partnership
  4. ENND Egyptian Network for Neurodegenerative Diseases
  5. OPTIMA project – Omics Approach for Personalised Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus for African and European Populations
  6. KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme