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The European
Partnership for
Personalised Medicine

A platform to support research, innovation and implementation and to foster strategic alignment and dialogue

Mission & Objectives


Mission & Objectives

The vision of the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine is to improve health outcomes within sustainable healthcare systems through research, development, innovation and implementation of personalised medicine approaches for the benefit of patients, citizens, and society.

Dr. Wolfgang Ballensiefen, Coordinator

Governance & Boards

The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine gathers together more than 50 partners from over 20 countries. The Consortium is managed by a so-called Coordination Unit (CU) and General Assembly (GeA). The day-to-day business, planning and implementation of activities is realized through five Work Packages. The EP PerMed overarching Advisory Bodies are ICPerMed, an Advisory Board and a Stakeholder Forum.

Research & Innovation Projects in Personalised Medicine

EP PerMed Partners