Survey on the Outcomes of Personalised Medicine Research Projects
EP PerMed is conducting a survey to assess the outcomes of personalised medicine research projects funded by ERA PerMed and related national and international calls.
Funding Opportunity: EU4Health Call an Personalised Cancer Medicine
As part of the EU4Health programme, a new call on personalised cancer medicine will be launched on 17 September 2024.
Pilot survey on ‘How much do citizens know about personalised medicine?’
As part of our citizen engagement strategy, EP PerMed has launched a survey to understand how much citizens know about personalised medicine.
EP PerMed JTC 2024
With its first joint transnational call, EP PerMed aims to fund research that fosters the identification or validation of targets for personalised medicine (PM) approaches. The deadline for submission of full proposals is now closed. It is expected that funding decisions will be communicated in October 2024.
Mission & Objectives
Governance & Boards
The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine gathers together more than 50 partners from over 20 countries. The Consortium is managed by a so-called Coordination Unit (CU) and General Assembly (GeA). The day-to-day business, planning and implementation of activities is realized through five Work Packages. The EP PerMed overarching Advisory Bodies are ICPerMed, an Advisory Board and a Stakeholder Forum.