EP PerMed JTC2025 Information Day – Recordings available

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Recordings of the Information Day

Welcome – Wolgang Ballensiefen

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Introduction to the JTC2025 – Alexandra Becker & Katja Kuhlmann

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The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed, supported by the European Union under Horizon Europe, Grant Agreement N° 101137129, has launched its second joint transnational call (JTC2025) for proposals on “Pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine approaches (PGxPM2025)”. In total, 35 funding organisations participate in this call with an available budget of over 36.5 Mio. € (approx.).

The call will be implemented in two stages, i.e. a pre- and a full-proposal phase.

The overall objectives of the JTC2025 will be to

  • Support research projects in human health on pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine approaches that address one or more of the following aspects:
    • identification of new pharmacogenomic markers or signatures using (multi)-omics data in relation to drug or drug combination.
    • validation of a pharmacogenomic marker or signatures using (multi)-omics data in predicting drug or drug combination outcomes.
    • use pharmaco-omics strategies to determine the right dosage, the efficacy of treatments and/or the risk of adverse drug response and non-response to treatment to tailor personalised treatment pathways, including combined treatments (multi-medication).
  • Encourage and enable interdisciplinary collaborations, i.e. multi-actor research by engaging a range of other relevant disciplines such as pre-clinical and clinical research, bioinformatics/health informatics/data research, ELSA research, implementation research or health economics research connected to the proposed research topic, including end-user perspective analysis to support the implementation of the research outcomes into clinical practice.
  • Encourage cross-sectorial collaborations, by including the private sector (e.g. SMEs, small and medium-sized enterprises), industry, as well as regulatory/HTA agencies and patient organisations.
  • Establish participatory research, i.e. active representation of patients or citizens as part of research projects.

Contact Joint Call Secretariat 2025:

The German Aerospace Center e.V. – Project Management Agency, (DLR-PT)
Heinrich-Konen-Straße 1, 53227 Bonn, Germany
Alexandra Becker, Katja Kuhlmann
Phone: +49 (0) 228 3821 2211