EP PerMed Round Table – De-risking Innovation in Personalised Medicine

Over the next decade, personalised medicine is expected to make a significant contribution to healthcare, for example by tailoring the right diagnosis, treatment or preventive strategy to the right person at the right time. It will also create new opportunities for innovation and economic growth. As we embark on this journey, our goal is clear: to increase the visibility and awareness of personalised medicine, to assess readiness for implementation, and to identify specific ways to accelerate its development.

Keynote Speakers

Jérôme Van Biervliet, Managing Director VIB

Ejner Moltzen, ICPerMed Chair


Sofie Bekaert, King Baudouin Foundation

Montse Daban, Biocat

Elfride De Baere, Ghent University Hospital

Marc Dechamps, Bioxodes SA /  Solvay BSEM

Isabelle Francois, Medvia

Jens Habermann, BBMRI-ERIC

Pieter Jacobs, Legend Biotech

Marc Van Den Bulcke, Sciensano

Introduction & Moderator

Bart Haex, EP PerMed & EIT Health Belgium-Netherlands

Keynote speeches were presented by Jérôme Van Biervliet (Managing Director Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie, VIB) and Ejner Moltzen (International Consortium for Personalised Medicine, ICPerMed Chair, Innovation Fund Denmark, IFD.

The panel discussion was divided into two rounds and revolved around the Personalised Medicine related topics of “talents & skills” and “supporting infrastructures”.

The event accompanied the Belgian Presidency of the EU and was part of a series of events on the future of health.

A report on the event will be available shortly. To stay informed, please subscribe to our EP PerMed newsletter.