Consultation on EU4Health Work Programme 2025

This call particularly welcomes the participation of health authorities at national, regional or local level in all EU Member States. The active involvement of organisations representing patients, civil society, health professionals, healthcare providers, researchers, academia, networks of expertise and businesses is essential to shape the direction of the EU’s public health strategy and inform the development of the Annual Work Programme 2025. The input gathered will also play an important role in the discussions at the EU4Health Stakeholder Conference scheduled for 19 June 2024.

Submit your feedback by 10 June 2024.


With a substantial budget of €5.3 billion, EU4Health is the fourth and largest of the EU’s health programmes. As well as providing a robust response to the COVID-19 crisis, EU4Health aims to strengthen the resilience of health systems across Europe. The programme provides funding to national authorities, health organisations and other relevant bodies through grants and public procurement, making a significant contribution to promoting a healthier Europe.

The Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) oversees the majority of the EU4Health budget and manages the programme through calls for proposals and tenders from 2021 to 2027.